On Christmas Eve we went to the NICU to drop off baskets for all the poor families that have to be there on Christmas worrying about t
heir sick babies. I was so grateful that my mom helped me sew the carseat covers for all of them and that Chase's parents contributed $100 to help with buying everything. It was very stressful getting everything ready but so worth it. In each basket there was a carseat cover sewed by my mom, burp clothes that my mom sewed, a dvd that I made of a whole bunch of success stories of preemies, homemade sugar cookies, candy, hand sanitizer to put on your keychain, hand lotion, crotched hats that Chase's grandma Blake handmade, and different odds and ends. We also baked a bunch of cupcakes for the staff. It was so awesome to see all the nurses that took care of Jayda and they were so glad to see her. We went during shift change so we didn't get to hand deliver it to the families but I'm sure they were very grateful (I know I would have been!). There were some sick babies in there too...a 24 weeker and a 14oz baby!! My goodness that is almost HALF of what Jayda was! My heart broke for that family and I pray that baby makes it. He is in good hands though! They are miracle workers down there!
After that we attempted to look at lights but we learned early on that that doesn't work with a cranky toddler that doesn't like to sit still so we went home opened one present and then put her to bed. Chase set up her little kitchen that night.
Then when I woke up the next morning we had her open presents from us. We got her a few small toys, a leap frog lab top, a kitchen set, and some clothes.
After that we went over to the Blakes and opened presents with everyone. Jayda got some clothes, some little toys, books, and the big present was a little 4-wheeler. She liked to climb on it but I don't think she fully understands it yet. She will love it when she gets older though. His parents also got us a nice video camera which we will definately use! Cason got Chase a dehyrdater which we will DEF use! And Cait got me an Aero sweatshirt and an aero purse. Then we had breakfast over there.
Then after her nap we went over to my parents house and opened presents. She got ALL ki
nds of toys, clothes, cute head bands/bows. Her favorite was the baby stroller set and this toy my Aunt got her that shoots balls out in the air. She got tons of books which is great because she LOVES me reading books to her.
We also got to meet my brother Travis's girlfriend. We only got to hang out for a bit because we went over to teh Blakes for dinner (although we werent hungry :/ ). We stayed there a short time (by that time I was pretty much done and ready to go home I was so tired). We left Jayda for a sleepover and went bac
k to our place to play games with Travis and his girlfriend. She is way cool and it was nice to get to know her. She seems like she will fit right in. Then we went to bed and watched Storage Wars. It is actually a way cool show. Then night night! :D
Christmas was pretty fun but next year we won't be doing as much back and forth. Next year will be relaxing instead of stressed about sharing time between grandparents. Other than that it was great to see Jayda so excited! She's had a busy couple of days and has been sleeping pret
ty much all day! She even fell asleep on Chase's lap today and he was THRILLED because she NEVER cuddles! She was just THAT tired!