-She is FINALLY taking a sippy cup!
-She is weaning off her bottles and eating mostly table food (when she is hungry she'll go whine next to her high chair).
-She is starting to really talk! She now says mama, dada, bye bye (as she waves), hi, gama (grandma), puppy (more like puppa), baby.-She is running everywhere (old ladies stop and comment on how cute and little she is, they get a kick out of how small she is).
-She has 6 teeth and working on 2 more.
-She can sign poo poo or pee pee by putting her hand over her nose.-She can kick and throw a ball (underhand)
-She LOVES chocolate and suckers
-She loves to play with her baby and will give it hugs and kisses. She'll take it across the room and just play with her for awhile.
-She is very social and isn't afraid of people or other kids.
-She loves grandma's house because of all the fun stuff there.
-She's not liking the time change thats for sure!
-She is weaning off of 2 naps and some days will only take one (NOOOOOO!!! I love her naps)
-She loves just wearing a diaper or being in the nude. :D
-She loves puppies!
-Oh and she loves to climb on things. She has gotten up on the couch a couple of times but she is mostly too short haha!
Thats about all I can think of now. She is busy busy though that is for sure and learning new things ALL the time. I'm sad how fast she is growing up though. :(