On Friday we dressed Jayda up in her costume. She was a cheerleader. A couple of months ago my parents went to Hawaii and got this little cheerleading outfit for Jayda. So we decided it was perfect for her costume for Halloween and she looked so darn cute in it! So after I got her all dressed in it in the morning we went to Walmart to go visit Chase and to pick up some things. She had been eating candy, half a string chees, 8 oz of milk, a cracker, a kit kat, and half a cookie. She was just chomping! Well on the way to Harmons to pick up some stuff she threw up EVERYWHERE. I was super pissed but then had to laugh about it later because lets face it kids are supposed to eat so much crap on halloween that they throw up. It's just what they do. :P
So later after we got home and had her clothes cleaned we took her to Karen's work (the Washington school district) for a trick or treating thing they had for their kids and grandkids. We dropped her off and it was fun to watch her getting candy. Granted next year she will really start to understand the whole trick or treating thing she still got a kick out of it and got to reap her spoils with us. :P She had a lot of fun thats for sure.
Later after her nap I took her to a trunk or treat at my parents ward. They had games and chili but she mostly just ran around being crazy. She got too tired and we had to take her home before she got to trick or treat but she didn't know the difference. Next year will be a lot more fun to take her out. It was still fun though.
Then on Saturday I dropped Jayda off at my mother in laws house and I went and ran my last big run before my half marathon this Saturday. I ran 10.5 miles! I was so proud of myself! Then later that day we went over to our friends Bret and Sandi's house for dinner. Then Jayda had a blast going in their back yard to watch their doggy. She loved that dog. Then we went to our house and played games. We had some friends Melissa and Ryan and their cute baby Summer stop by too. She was the poor baby that Jayda bit hehe and she was dresse
d up as a bee. Too bad I didnt get a pic of them together. Aw well.
Anyways that was practically our weekend. Here are some pics!
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