Saturday, February 12, 2011

30 day Blogging Challenge Day 3

Day 3-A picture of you and your friends

This is from just last month when we went up north to see the Jazz game. This is Phil and Nicole and they are a lot of fun to hang out with! Too bad we live so far from them and can't hang out as much but we'll see them sometime next month at her son Carter's one year birthday! I can't believe he is going to be a year! He's getting so big and he is a little cutie patutie!

I wish I got together a lot more with our other friends with kids (its much easier to hang out with our friends that don't have kids because they don't need babysitters :D ) but life is just CRAZY! I can't wait til next month when we go to California with some of our friends and get away for awhile!

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